Educational Articles

Tar spot found in new states

Since 2015, tar spot has expanded its footprint from Illinois, Indiana, and other midwestern states and notably Nebraska, Georgia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania added confirmed fields this year. By MARGY ECKELKAMP October 26, 2021 In 2021 tar spot expanded its footprint...

The Quest for 300 Bushel/A Corn Yield

The Quest for 300 Bushel/A Corn Yield Oct 4, 2011 Some may use the marketing term 'stretch goal' when they talk about achieving 300 bushels per acre corn yield, but Dr. Fred Below, Univ of ILL crop physiology professor, knows it's possible and has outlined how to...

Potential Soybean Problems

Bob Streit came across these important articles on soybeans and potential early planting problems that he wanted to share. Click on the links below to open the articles. If you open the articles on your phone it may give you the option to 'View' or 'Download' and if...

Understanding Derecho Damaged Fields

By now many people have seen pictures of this bin complex located on the west edge of Luther. It’s about six miles south of Boone, Hwy 30 and our farm place. We have heard of unofficial NWS reports of wind speeds as high as 164 mph, which is equal to a high F5 tornado...

Greetings from Phytobiotics

I’m Grant with Phytobiotics and am tickled to be writing a blurb for Bob and Team at “the CIA.” Bob’s a smart guy, and I really hope I measure up to the standard in this community! We at Phytobiotics make foliar feeds that use amino acid technology to get minerals...

Impulse – Product Highlights

Impulse is the only product that applies micro-nutrients to the corn or soy bean plants and keeps the plants healthy through until harvest. It can be applied early in the season and eliminates the need for aerial or high clearance application. Impulse makes agronomic...

Bio-Amend – manure solutions

There are some things that smell good . . . flowers, coffee, and clean sheets. Then again there are some things that don’t smell so good. My husband and I were driving back from his home town, enjoying the scenery and having a good conversation. Then it hit us like a...

Impulse – Product Highlights

Impulse is a new phosphite, mineral and amino acid based product that could revolutionize disease control plus supply important micro-nutrients. The neat part is it can be applied early in the growing season with ground application. It creates such healthy plants that...