Biology in today’s agriculture

A month ago, the question was if March was going to go out as a lion or lamb. It did not take long to find out and observe the closing cliff hanger. Would it be: a day bringing up cold or warm temperature, sixty degrees or below freezing; would it be sunny, cloudy, or...

Of planting dates and plant health

Crop Watch April 22, 2016 So far the Iowa corn planting season has reminded me of the 1992 season. That year followed the dreaded 1991 season where in much of central and north central parts of the state it stayed so wet . . . Read more....

A slow spring start

Crop Watch April 15, 2016 Mid April is here and for most of last week it was later winter, as evidenced by the insulated coveralls many people were still wearing and the ice that covered . . . Read more.