Management Plan to Lessen or Eliminate Tar Spot in Corn

by | Mar 29, 2022 | Educational Articles

A quiet fact in the Ag world is that herbicides mostly function by chelating or tying up important minerals to shut down a plant process or enzyme system. The world’s most commonly used herbicide was first patented by a Stauffer physical chemist in 1974 as a mineral chelator, destined for use in industrial cooling towers and coolant pipes. Thus Monsanto chose to patent it as a shikimate pathway inhibitor to avoid patent infringement.

Now that you have read Dr. Huber’s interpretation of the tissue analytical results of the leaf and spots from the ‘Tar Spot’ infected plant, you need to develop your action plan to avoid the dollar losses due to the tar spots appearing on your plants. Missy Bauer, assistant field agronomist with Farm Journal, told of situations where losses of 75 to 100 Bu/A were attributed to this disease were seen in Michigan corn fields in 2021. This was according to an
article in the Farm Journal press on 10/26/2021.

To read more go HERE.