Crop Watch

Field Status

May is here and we are now at the point where many of us are wishing that the weather men or women would deliver a week of dry weather. A number of the people who noted the number of fog days in January were expecting a rainy April. The first part of the month brought...

The 2024 Growing Season

April is here and the weather in the month can be very fickle. This was proven by the short periods of heavy snow which occurred on two days last week. Generally warm temps were the rule thru most of Feb and March with many days of record warmth. It almost felt like a...

Tribute to Jerry Carlson & Dr. Robert Kremer

Wow, oh wow.  As the closing days of the winter season go by on the calendar we almost have to wonder what happened to our normal snowy and cold seasons we’ve been accustomed to. Except for the two big snowstorms which happened to be exactly the week before and the...

Conference Announcement

We now move into the latter half of the short month of February and there is not much happening on the national scene. We could talk about Fanni, but it has been recommended that I not talk politics. She must have had a miserable childhood where she was constantly...

Summing up the Iowa Power Show

Goodbye windchills of 20 to 40 below zero. There is no guarantee of us not having such cold temps as we had in early to mid-January, but as the weeks slowly churn and the deep snowbanks slowly melt away the chance of a repeat of those bitter temps become less and...

New Year rings in with Old Man Winter close behind

Thus far the new year’s weather would have to be termed unusual and erratic. We had 50 F temps until Christmas and New Years. We wore lighter jackets and finished our outdoor tasks until New Years. I actually saw new gopher mounds, which are more a harbinger of...

A New Way of Thinking

A new year has arrived and we can now view 2023 in the rear-view mirror. I will have to see any references as to when Kevin ____? who was a coworker with Cargill Seeds at the time turned to me in the hall during a meeting break and informed me that he promised the...

Merry Christmas!

The Christmas season will be here before we know it and the first round of meetings and conferences will be in the books. Most dealers, retailers and companies know that farmers are in the decision and buying mode to take advantage of early discounts and to lock in a...

New Developments

Without much fanfare the calendar flipped to December. We were lucky enough to continue receiving days with temps in the 40s and a few 50s, which permitted outside tasks to get done. Here in central Iowa the top few inches of soil have frozen enough that a person...

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are slowly slipping into the winter season. Luckily the first ten days of abnormally cold days of two weeks ago have been canceled by two weeks of abnormally warm shirt sleeve conditions which have given us a chance to get outside chores and tasks completed before...